Americans speak of "the Iran problem" and I wonder, "what 'Iran problem?'" Americans speak of Iran as "defying" though we're their Daddy, and our authority is a given. And we Americans speak of "nuking those crazy ragheads." In Jesus' name, of course...
I love Iranians. I love the people, the language, the food, the chai, the music, the
dancing, the card games, the accent [it's not the United States, it's "the United Estates." It's not a love story, but "a love estory"], and, oh, how I love the way they mangle the English language. "I am down your disposal!"
When the bullshit began flowing, and so obviously leading to a place no one on earth should ever wish to go...I wondered
if my old Iranian friends were again being run off the roads, assaulted as they sat with their families in restaurants, fired from their jobs, and all the other crap which happened to them during "the hostage crisis" [another huge propaganda-fest in this country, with very few Americans ever learning the Truth about either that situation or our reign of terror, including the ex-cia and "blackwater types" who developed and ran SAVAK]. When, if ever, will we acknowledge, let alone begin whittling down to size, the
mote in our own eye? Searching for something which might give my fellow Americans a glimpse of the people I know and love, I found the above video clip from Maz Jobrani. How can anyone hate them. Think nothing of killing them. They're Persians, for crying out loud!
I lost all respect for moveon when they told everyone to "just move on" after yet another stolen election [Selection 2004]. It was clear, then, that they'd become more interested in maintaining their position, both at the trough and in the public eye, than in fighting to assure America descends no further into fascism. Their "controversial ad" -- using the "Betrayus" veritable legions had already made almost hack -- was mild, compared to the rovian offerings which typify "political discourse," these days. But the reaction by politicians and media has been frightening.
We're committing genocide, abroad, covering the planet with DU, destroying the lives of Americans too naive to know that "military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns" [thank you, henry kissinger]...and we're wasting time with this bullshit?! Thank God for Cenk Uygur and this series of tubes we call "the internets!"
"Progressives" need to wonder why Obama didn't cast a vote re censure. Bet he's wishing he'd avoided the Schiavo and interest-rate votes, too. Think it's an accident that he now refers to people like Ahmadinejad and Jong Il as "folks?" How long until he's saying "nukular." Self-professed "liberals" speak with such disdain about those who voted for bush because he was the man with whom most [so-called] conservatives "wanted to have a beer." Well, Barack Obama is nothing more than the man with whom most so-called democrats "wish to share a bottle of chardonnay." WAKE UP, PEOPLE!!! Forget the pretty lies, betrayed by the fugly reality. CLICK HERE for a Fugly Reality Overdose!
English may not be his first language, but you will understand his heart.
Understated eloquence and
knowledge of The Law...
Testosterone well-directed, and unleashed to good purpose.
The video quality is dodgy, but his words ring loud and true.
Uh-oh! White America's having a Black-American Experience.
Anger is good. Anger is necessary. But this sweet girl affected me, most.
RAYS of HOPE! America hasn't really changed all that much over the past few decades. We've simply become ever more obnoxious and belligerent as regards our general apathy and wilfull ignorance. Dubya was "born on third base, thinks he hit a triple?" All things considered, those words apply equally to our citizenry. Every time someone boasts "we're the greatest nation on earth," I must ask, "what have you done, personally, to make America 'the greatest nation on earth?'" I'm guessing that those who sat idly and watched as the Constitution was rendered "a goddamned piece of paper"...those who smirked and laughed and applauded as Andrew Meyer was being assaulted...were those who always answer this question, "I go to work every day and pay my taxes." Which hardly smacks of "greatness."
Everyday people in everyday places have had it (in everyday language).
Thoughtful, intelligent, articulate,
and astute.
Brief and to the point, but. Shocked that this happens in America?
I have feared for us, the people, for almost five decades. The '60s provided some hope, but soon the hippies became yuppies, and Arlo Guthrie was singing exlax and folgers jingles. When we the people did nothing about Coup 2K, and less than nothing about john kerry tossing our votes to bush as though they were the proverbial hot potato, even as evidence of vote fraud came pouring in, I gave up. We get the leaders we deserve...
Suddenly, I'm beginning to believe that the internet might save us. If we can keep it. The true citizens appearing in these and thousands of other YouTube videos are "great Americans." Taking to the streets is yet another "act of greatness." Demanding answers to the questions avoided by those who owe us answers [and seek to misdirect us] is a recipe for "greatness." Am I mistaken? Or, are we at long last rising to the occasion. May we finally walk our talk, and live up to our hype...