Citizens & Fellow Patriots:

We the People own real estate of great monetary and sentimental value. Known as "The White House" and located at 1600 Pennsylvania in Washington, D.C., it is illegally occupied by squatters. Why are we arguing about the company they keep, asking them not to park on the lawn, and quibbling over their color schemes and plans for renovation? They're freakin' squatters, people.

NEVER FORGET that the dishonorable george w. bush is not a steward. He is a pirate! He and his band of renegades forcibly boarded our ship of state and immediately began looting and killing while hiding behind God's skirts...

We at are dedicated to the proposition that, whereas legitimate votes were not counted during the last "election", and that, whereas illegitimate votes were counted, and that, whereas the supreme court acted illegally and unconstitutionally, George W. Bush is not the president of these United States of America. A great injustice has been done. We will not rest until it is undone. Eviction proceedings should begin immediately, if not sooner. No war will prove distraction enough...

CLICK LINKS Below for Evidence that GORE WON and BUSH LOST.


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