resident bush: because the sheeple never learn.

Posts Tagged ‘Iraq’

The Only Brave Troop Is An AWOL Troop

It takes guts to do the right thing, especially after having taken great pride in doing the wrong thing…rb from Dahr Jamail: On May 1st at Fort Hood in central Texas, Specialist Victor Agosto wrote on a counseling statement, which is actually a punitive U.S. Army memo: “There is no way I will deploy to […]

They Hate Us for Our Freedom

…our freedom to treat them like shit. Who doubts but that this uber-macho asshole is coming home to a career in law enforcement. And he just might be single, ladies!  rb

A Nation of Flaws

Lindorff, again:  The dithering and ducking going on in the Obama White House and the Holder Justice Department over the crimes of the Bush administration are taking on a comic aspect. On the one hand, we have Obama assuring us that under his administration, there will be respect for the rule of law, and on […]

Do Medics Have More Fun?

[Horrifying new details of our “conduct unbecoming,” from the Neeley Report, via JD Tuccille] I talked about the detainee who came to Camp X-Ray wounded from a .50 caliber. His bicep had attached to his forearm due to the fact his arm was in the sling for so long. I escorted this detainee to medical […]

Iraqis Must Take Responsibility! Israelis? Not So Much…

[Obama on Iraq]  Let me be clear. Ending this war is not going to be easy. We have to ensure that our interests in a stable Iraq are met and make sure that our troops are secure. [We Americans are so “exceptional” that, when Iraqis are willing to put our interests above their own, and […]