resident bush: because the sheeple never learn.

Posts Tagged ‘hubris’

Coup 2000: What A Difference A Decade Makes

Matthew Norman (the Independent UK):  How did this wastrel ever find his way to the White House? It takes a certain minimal intelligence for the truly dim to have a notion of their own dimness, but this is denied George Bush. He has the self-awareness of a bison. And as if Dubya’s being a war […]

Brand Obama

Sadly, facts have been anathema to the average American for as long as I’ve been alive. All that matters is that we’re allowed to believe “we’re number one.” No one can compete when it comes to self-delusion and belligerence, and our ignorance would be amusing were it not a threat to every life-form on the […]

Obama the ChickenHawk

Obama — our “man of peace” and “Constitutional scholar” [aka our new decider-daddy] — has got his balls set on “winning in Afghanistan.” Then it’s on to Pakistan! And Iran! And North Korea! And Syria! And, what’s up with his Colin Powell Act? rb [from Ted Rall] “I’ve asked my national security team to…collect the […]

The Only Brave Troop Is An AWOL Troop

It takes guts to do the right thing, especially after having taken great pride in doing the wrong thing…rb from Dahr Jamail: On May 1st at Fort Hood in central Texas, Specialist Victor Agosto wrote on a counseling statement, which is actually a punitive U.S. Army memo: “There is no way I will deploy to […]

May God Forgive Us

Desertion is a moral imperative when continued service implicates a soldier in crimes against God and mankind. Indeed, there are times when desertion is a moral duty. Yes, American enlistees swear an oath in God’s Name. Then again, so do Mafiosi. Nobody outside of that criminal fraternity considers it improper for a Mafia foot soldier to renounce his oath.

They Hate Us for Our Freedom

…our freedom to treat them like shit. Who doubts but that this uber-macho asshole is coming home to a career in law enforcement. And he just might be single, ladies!  rb

Iraqis Must Take Responsibility! Israelis? Not So Much…

[Obama on Iraq]  Let me be clear. Ending this war is not going to be easy. We have to ensure that our interests in a stable Iraq are met and make sure that our troops are secure. [We Americans are so “exceptional” that, when Iraqis are willing to put our interests above their own, and […]