resident bush: because the sheeple never learn.

Posts Tagged ‘Constitution’

Obama the ChickenHawk

Obama — our “man of peace” and “Constitutional scholar” [aka our new decider-daddy] — has got his balls set on “winning in Afghanistan.” Then it’s on to Pakistan! And Iran! And North Korea! And Syria! And, what’s up with his Colin Powell Act? rb [from Ted Rall] “I’ve asked my national security team to…collect the […]

Shmemorial Day

Though I lost heart, long ago, and now have absolutely no expectation that Americans will do anything significant to rein in the government, military, and corporations which intend to fully enslave all of humanity, occasionally I am still moved to comment on our disconnect. So-called [self-professed] “liberal” and “progressive” bloggers annoy me the most, for […]

A Nation of Flaws

Lindorff, again:  The dithering and ducking going on in the Obama White House and the Holder Justice Department over the crimes of the Bush administration are taking on a comic aspect. On the one hand, we have Obama assuring us that under his administration, there will be respect for the rule of law, and on […]

Adulthood Is Child’s Play

When I was about 5 years old, one day I was standing at the sink, washing my hands, becoming annoyed that the water was splashing all over me, getting me wet…becoming further annoyed remembering that pretty much every time I washed my hands the water would soak me…and, suddenly, I heard my inner adult ask, […]