Obama — our “man of peace” and “Constitutional scholar” [aka our new decider-daddy] — has got his balls set on “winning in Afghanistan.” Then it’s on to Pakistan! And Iran! And North Korea! And Syria! And, what’s up with his Colin Powell Act? rb [from Ted Rall] “I’ve asked my national security team to…collect the […]
Posts Tagged ‘Constitution’
A Nation of Flaws
Lindorff, again: The dithering and ducking going on in the Obama White House and the Holder Justice Department over the crimes of the Bush administration are taking on a comic aspect. On the one hand, we have Obama assuring us that under his administration, there will be respect for the rule of law, and on […]
Adulthood Is Child’s Play
When I was about 5 years old, one day I was standing at the sink, washing my hands, becoming annoyed that the water was splashing all over me, getting me wet…becoming further annoyed remembering that pretty much every time I washed my hands the water would soak me…and, suddenly, I heard my inner adult ask, […]