resident bush: because the sheeple never learn.

Posts Tagged ‘Barack Obama’

Brand Obama

Sadly, facts have been anathema to the average American for as long as I’ve been alive. All that matters is that we’re allowed to believe “we’re number one.” No one can compete when it comes to self-delusion and belligerence, and our ignorance would be amusing were it not a threat to every life-form on the […]

Obama the ChickenHawk

Obama — our “man of peace” and “Constitutional scholar” [aka our new decider-daddy] — has got his balls set on “winning in Afghanistan.” Then it’s on to Pakistan! And Iran! And North Korea! And Syria! And, what’s up with his Colin Powell Act? rb [from Ted Rall] “I’ve asked my national security team to…collect the […]

Shmemorial Day

Though I lost heart, long ago, and now have absolutely no expectation that Americans will do anything significant to rein in the government, military, and corporations which intend to fully enslave all of humanity, occasionally I am still moved to comment on our disconnect. So-called [self-professed] “liberal” and “progressive” bloggers annoy me the most, for […]

The Obama Deception

[heavily redacted] On the matter of Barack Obama’s ballyhooed “turnaround” on the torture prosecution issue: After his groveling trip on Monday to soothe the hurt feelings of the tender little babies at the CIA — who had been feeling unloved and uncherished since the tiniest ray of media light had shone briefly on their black […]

Gamma Beta Frat Boys

Every time I see a soldier featured in a local newscast, or called “a hero” by a talking head, I can’t help but think, “how can we possibly know what he’s like when nobody’s watching.” Knowing man, how can we possibly believe there are “only a few bad apples?” Exclusive: Lawyer says Guantanamo abuse worse […]


There was no stopping the juggernaut — and it was impossible to ignore — so I was left with two choices. Bust a gut or slit my wrists [having (tried and) failed to create and rupture my own aneurysms, on command (though it is said I can do this for others, in my sleep)]. Let […]