resident bush: because the sheeple never learn.

He’s A Giver!

No oil company would dream of digging on the Bush family properties in Midland, Texas, without paying a royalty. Or drilling near Malibu without the latest in environmental protections. But when Natives are on top of Exxon’s or BP’s glory hole, suddenly, the great defenders of private property rights turn quite Bolshevik: lands can be seized for The Public’s Need for Oil.

May God Forgive Us

Desertion is a moral imperative when continued service implicates a soldier in crimes against God and mankind. Indeed, there are times when desertion is a moral duty. Yes, American enlistees swear an oath in God’s Name. Then again, so do Mafiosi. Nobody outside of that criminal fraternity considers it improper for a Mafia foot soldier to renounce his oath.

Shell Oil: Nigeria’s Scammers

This video should come as no surprise, since militaries the world over seem to be working for the oil companies. Makes me wonder if we’ll ever (be allowed to) see similar videos regarding America’s military and the job they’re doing in the Middle East. I bet Obama’s working cheap compared to his predecessors. Pelosi’s probably […]

Victor Agosto: American Hero

“There’s No Way I’m Going to Deploy to Afghanistan. It’s a matter of what I’m willing to live with,” Specialist Victor Agosto of the U.S. Army, who is refusing orders to deploy to Afghanistan, explained to IPS. “I’m not willing to participate in this occupation, knowing it is completely wrong.” Agosto, who returned from a […]

Shmemorial Day

Though I lost heart, long ago, and now have absolutely no expectation that Americans will do anything significant to rein in the government, military, and corporations which intend to fully enslave all of humanity, occasionally I am still moved to comment on our disconnect. So-called [self-professed] “liberal” and “progressive” bloggers annoy me the most, for […]

The Obama Deception

[heavily redacted] On the matter of Barack Obama’s ballyhooed “turnaround” on the torture prosecution issue: After his groveling trip on Monday to soothe the hurt feelings of the tender little babies at the CIA — who had been feeling unloved and uncherished since the tiniest ray of media light had shone briefly on their black […]

Alms for the Rich

[Excerpted from] The Big Takeover:  The global economic crisis isn’t about money – it’s about power. How Wall Street insiders are using the bailout to stage a revolution by MATT TAIBBI Rolling Stone Mar 19, 2009 It’s over — we’re officially, royally fucked. no empire can survive being rendered a permanent laughingstock, which is what […]

How the Mighty Is Falling

It’s All Good:  Media Reports for Duty as Militarists Plan More Wars by Chris Floyd [Empire Burlesque] 15 Mar 2009 Surely there is no one who still needs to be apprised of the fact that the New York Times is one of the chief organs of the American Empire, operating in a semi-official fashion to […]

They Hate Us for Our Freedom

…our freedom to treat them like shit. Who doubts but that this uber-macho asshole is coming home to a career in law enforcement. And he just might be single, ladies!  rb

A Nation of Flaws

Lindorff, again:  The dithering and ducking going on in the Obama White House and the Holder Justice Department over the crimes of the Bush administration are taking on a comic aspect. On the one hand, we have Obama assuring us that under his administration, there will be respect for the rule of law, and on […]