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2004 "A statistical analysis has been done that shows on several swing states, and in every state that has e-voting but no paper trails that the state totals have an unexplained advantage for Bush of around +5% when comparing exit polls to actual results of voting. In every state that has paper audit trails on their e-voting, the exit poll results match the actual results reported within the margin of error. So we have matching results for exit polls vs. voting with audits vs. A 5% unexplained advantage for Bush without audits." (Gleaned from the internet, but worth considering) Rigged? You bet it was rigged. Only three days have passed and already the results of election 2004 are beginning to stink like Fido's business on the front lawn. The Associated Press's admission yesterday that nearly 4,000 extra votes were delivered to George Bush in Franklin County, Ohio when only 638 voters cast ballots, is just the tip of the iceberg. That is, of course, unless you believe that the Bush Administration has suddenly diverged from its well documented pattern of lying, cheating and obfuscating at every opportunity? I suppose that is a possibility, although not a very likely one. And, please, spare me that crackpot notion that 8 million more fundamentalist Christians descended from their mountain hideaways to file a vote from Bush the younger. That absurd notion smacks of Karl Rove and his "smoke-and-mirrors" public relations team in the media. Of course, they've got an excuse. They always have an excuse? This one, however, is particularly lame with the suggestion that more of the new registrations (8 of the 15 million) were filed for the war-mongering, deficit-generating, torture-inducing Bush, rather than his opponent. How likely is that? Sounds more like a well prepared narrative to rationalize voter fraud. But don't take my word for it, let's just allow the experts access to the voting machines, then we'll find out whose really telling the truth. (Black Box Voting, Bev Harris claims she has "hard evidence, documents obtained in public records requests, inside information, and other data indicative of manipulation of electronic voting systems." Legal action is forthcoming.) Franklin County is just the beginning. Franklin's results simply indicate that the programmers got sloppy because they were under greater pressure from the surge in new registrations. Many of the other counties will undoubtedly expose the same "conspicuous" discrepancies. Let's take a look. And forget about this rubbish that the exit polling was incorrect. Yeah, the polls were incorrect in the states Bush needed to win; otherwise they were dead on. (Look at the graphs of the exit polls compared to the actual votes counted on Randi Rhodes web page) Why else would the media be scrabbling to change the polls they provided earlier on election night? Why would they care, its all history? They care because they don't want the average American to draw the same conclusions that any reasonable person will by looking at the numbers and trends. It's a massive cover up and, again, sloppily executed. The significance of Franklin County is this; it is just one of perhaps 60 precincts in a district that is perhaps one of 50 districts in a county that is perhaps one of 50 counties in a state. Get it? Just a superficial investigation could very easily evaporate Mr. Bush's meager "136,000 vote mandate" to wage war on the world and continue dismantling the last 100 years of progressive legislation. Karl Rove's genius was to anticipate that he had to manufacture a win in the popular vote to fend off investigations in the individual states. Accordingly, those states turned out to be the very ones where the exit polls and vote totals don't match up. Very clever, but how well did he hide his tracks? Not very well in Franklin County. We shouldn't expect this to be like Florida in 2000; even a cursory investigation will show real discrepancies between traditional voting patterns and the actual votes cast. I guarantee it. That's why the
Republican strategy is entirely predictable; stonewall the investigation
and discredit the campaign to investigate. Regrettably, that is what
Republican's do best. |